Results for 'Faye Marie Getz'

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    Black Death and the Silver Lining: Meaning, Continuity, and Revolutionary Change in Histories of Medieval Plague. [REVIEW]Faye Marie Getz - 1991 - Journal of the History of Biology 24 (2):265 - 289.
    The tension between the advocates of the Black Death as the herald of a new age, and those who see plague as proof of the resiliency of medieval mentalities, is rapidly dissolving. The conflict/resolution model, with its overtones of teleology, progress, and Naturphilosophie, is proving less useful to historians of epidemiology than one emphasizing continuity, gradual change, and the stoicism of the ordinary person. Historians of the plague are gravitating more and more to an intensive study of the local impact (...)
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    Healing and Society in Medieval England: A Middle English Translation of the Pharmaceutical Writings of Gilbertus Anglicus. Faye Marie Getz.Monica Green - 1992 - Isis 83 (3):485-486.
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    Effect of case managers with a general medical patient population.Mairead L. Hickey, E. Francis Cook, Laura P. Rossi, Jennifer Connor, Christine Dutkiewicz, Sheila McCabe Hassan, Mary Fay, Thomas H. Lee & David G. Fairchild - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (1):23-29.
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    Hippocrates Latinus: Repertorium of Hippocratic Writings in the Latin Middle Ages. Pearl Kibre.Faye Getz - 1986 - Isis 77 (2):370-370.
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    Medieval and Early Renaissance Medicine: An Introduction to Knowledge and Practice. Nancy G. Siraisi.Faye Getz - 1991 - Isis 82 (4):733-734.
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    The Mirror of Alchimy: Composed by the Thrice-Famous and Learned Fryer, Roger Bachon. Roger Bacon, Stanton J. Linden.Faye Getz - 1994 - Isis 85 (1):151-151.
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    Manuscript Sources of Medieval Medicine: A Book of Essays. Margaret R. Schleissner.Faye Getz - 1996 - Isis 87 (4):721-722.
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    Bibliographie des textes médicaux latins: Antiquité et haut moyen 'geCentre Jean-Palerne.Faye Getz - 1990 - Isis 81 (2):399-400.
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    Poisons of the Past: Molds, Epidemics, and HistoryMary Kilbourne Matossian.Faye Getz - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):749-750.
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    Rezeption und Rolle der Heilkunde in landessprachigen handschriftlichen Kompendien des SpatmittelaltersVolker Zimmermann.Faye Getz - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):521-522.
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    Bibliographie des textes médicaux latins: Antiquité et haute moyen 'ge, Premier supplément 1986-1999. Klaus-Dietrich Fischer. [REVIEW]Faye Getz - 2001 - Isis 92 (4):781-781.
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    Roger French, Ancient Natural History: Histories of Nature. Sciences in Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, 1994. Pp. xxii + 357. ISBN 0-415-11545. £15.99. [REVIEW]Faye Getz - 1996 - British Journal for the History of Science 29 (3):361-362.
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    Dilemmas of Educational Ethics: Cases and Commentaries.Meira Levinson & Jacob Fay (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Education Press.
    Educators and policy makers confront challenging questions of ethics, justice, and equity on a regular basis. Should teachers retain a struggling student if it means she will most certainly drop out? Should an assignment plan favor middle-class families if it means strengthening the school system for all? These everyday dilemmas are both utterly ordinary and immensely challenging, yet there are few opportunities and resources to help educators think through the ethical issues at stake. Drawing on research and methods developed in (...)
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  14. Medicine in the English Middle Ages. By Faye Getz.J. Leach - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (3):457-457.
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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the human frontal eye field facilitates visual awareness.Marie-Hélène Grosbras & Tomáš Paus - 2003 - European Journal of Neuroscience 18 (11):3121-3126.
  16. Le désir naturel de voir Dieu, chez les Salmanticenses.Marie-Bruno Borde - 2001 - Revue Thomiste 101 (1-2):265-284.
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  17. Figures de l'altérité et de l'écart dans l'œuvre de Maria Klonaris et Katerina Thomadaki.Marie-José Mondzain - forthcoming - Filozofski Vestnik.
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  18. The Self, the Other, and the Many: Jacques Derrida on Testimony.Marie-Eve Morin - 2007 - Mosaic 40 (2):165-179.
    This essays takes up the question whether the self constitutes the other (as Husserl believed) or whether the other institutes the self (as Levinas argues). It examines how Derrida’s concept of testimony and his work on the structure of the sign, leads us away from this debate into a necessary openness to plurality or community.
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    Heideggerovo i Plotinovo poimanje vremena.Marie-Elise Zovko - 1991 - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo.
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  20. Sacred Space: An Approach to the Theology of the Epistle to the Hebrews.Marie E. Isaacs - 1992
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    Ethiek.Marie Jeuken - 1977 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
    Na een algemene beschouwing en een overzicht van de hedendaagse theorieën komen ethische vraagstukken zoals agressie, revolutie in oorlog, kernonderzoek en milieubeheer, seksualiteit en huwelijk, abortus en euthanasie ter sprake.
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    Die Debatte um die Einheiten der natürlichen Selektion: Pluralistische Lösungsansatze.Marie I. Kaiser - 2008 - Saarbrücken, GER: VDM Verlag.
    What is the level of organization on which natural selection operates? Are genes, organisms or groups the entities that are selected in adaptive evolutionary processes? This book discusses recent pluralistic solutions to the problem of the units of selection. After introducing central concepts and ideas from evolutionary biology, this book constructs a novel map of the philosophical debate and locates gene selectionism, multilevel selection theory, and description pluralism on the map. The book closes with a critical discussion of different versions (...)
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  23. L'identité de la nature humaine, quelle certitude possible? : la nature humaine dans le De finibus, livre III de Cicéron.Marie-Agnès Ruggiu - 2015 - In Susanna Gambino Longo, La certitude de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    L'amour de Dieu chez Ġazālī: une philosophie de l'amour à Bagdad au début du XIIe siècle.Marie-Louise Siauve - 1986 - Lille: Atelier national reproduction des thèses, Université de Lille III.
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    How do we interpret questions? Simplified representations of knowledge guide humans' interpretation of information requests.Marie Aguirre, Mélanie Brun, Anne Reboul & Olivier Mascaro - 2022 - Cognition 218 (C):104954.
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  26. Dialogue as the labor of care : the necessity of a unity of contraries within interpersonal communication.Marie Baker Ohler - 2008 - In Melissa A. Cook & Annette Holba, Philosophies of Communication: Implications for Everyday Experience. Peter Lang.
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  27. La sagesse selon Aristote.Marie-Dominique Philippe - 1945 - Nova et Vetera 20:325-374.
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  28. On the subject of the colors of cephalopods-a meeting of semiotic and ethologic points of view.Marie Renoue & Pascal Carlier - 2006 - Semiotica 160 (1-4):115-139.
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    Hans Jonas et la liberté: dimensions théologiques, ontologiques, éthiques et politiques.Marie-Geneviève Pinsart - 2002 - Paris: Vrin.
    Hans Jonas bénéficie de la reconnaissance de ses pairs comme de la notoriété auprès d'un large public. L'auteur du " Principe responsabilité " est aussi un spécialiste de la religion gnostique, un philosophe de la vie analysant la dynamique de l'organisme et de l'esprit. La notion de liberté est un fil conducteur herméneutique pour exposer une pensée éclectique mais unitaire et originale.
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  30. Piété et Theophilia.Marie-France Hazebroucq - 1998 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 16 (2):49-78.
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  31. La convenance de l'Incarnation.Marie-Vincent Leroy - 2009 - Revue Thomiste 109 (3):419-465.
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  32. L'avenir d'un passé très lointain..Marie Christine Maurel - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 3:277-284.
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    The construction and legitimation of workplace bullying in the public sector: insight into power dynamics and organisational failures in health and social care.Marie Hutchinson & Debra Jackson - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (1):13-26.
    Health‐care and public sector institutions are high‐risk settings for workplace bullying. Despite growing acknowledgement of the scale and consequence of this pervasive problem, there has been little critical examination of the institutional power dynamics that enable bullying. In the aftermath of large‐scale failures in care standards in public sector healthcare institutions, which were characterised by managerial bullying, attention to the nexus between bullying, power and institutional failures is warranted. In this study, employing Foucault's framework of power, we illuminate bullying as (...)
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  34. Scientific integrity.Marie-Hélène Parizeau - 1999 - In Alan Montefiore & David Vines, Integrity in the Public and Private Domains. New York: Routledge. pp. 152.
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  35. The tension between autonomy and dignity.Marie-Helene Parizeau - 2000 - Bioethics and Biolaw 2:47-59.
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  36. L'animal Au Service De La Représentation.Marie-Claude Payeur - 1991 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 16:27-35.
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    Nietzsche et Schopenhauer: encore et toujours la prédestination.Marie-José Pernin Segissement - 1999 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Dante, au Paradis, demande à son élue : " Pourquoi tu fus toi seule prédestinée? ". En guise de réponse, il n'aura qu'un cri résonnant comme le tonnerre qui le dissuadera de questionner plus avant... Nietzsche et Schopenhauer, eux, n'auront pas peur de cette question qui met en jeu indissociablement leur identité singulière et leur statut de philosophe. Le premier, au péril de sa raison, gère l'héritage de la mort de Dieu, en assumant la disparition du Père. Nous devons à (...)
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  38. The Judgment of History.Marie Collins Swabey - 1956 - Philosophy of Science 23 (2):167-169.
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  39. Kierkegaard og pietismen.Marie Mikulová Thulstrup - 1967 - København,: Munksgaard.
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  40. Plans du discours: à propos de l'enseignement de la dissertation de philosophie.Marie-Jeanne Borel - 1985 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 39 (4):401.
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  41. Role of the visual attention span in reading acquisition.Marie-Line Bosse & Sylviane Valdois - 2007 - Cognition 124:198-230.
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  42. Mysteries of Light: Meditations on the Mysteries of the Rosary [Book Review].Marie Farrell - 2006 - The Australasian Catholic Record 83 (1):123.
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  43. Towards a Truly Catholic Church: An Ecclesiology for the Third Millenium [Book Review].Marie Farrell - 2007 - The Australasian Catholic Record 84 (3):381.
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  44. The Environment and Christian Faith [Book Review].Marie Farrell - 2007 - The Australasian Catholic Record 84 (3):375.
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  45. Taking God to Heart: A Living Spirituality [Book Review].Marie Farrell - 2010 - The Australasian Catholic Record 87 (2):246.
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  46. Towards renewed research questions from the outcomes of the European project Labwork in Science Education.Marie‐Geneviève Séré - 2002 - Science Education 86 (5):624-644.
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  47. The judgment of history.Marie Taylor Swabey - 1954 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
  48. Word Reading.Marie-Josephe Tainturier - 2001 - In Brenda Rapp, The Handbook of Cognitive Neuropsychology: What Deficits Reveal About the Human Mind. Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis. pp. 233.
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  49. Wittgenstein and naturalism.Marie McGinn - 2010 - In Mario De Caro & David Macarthur, Naturalism and Normativity. Cambridge University Press.
  50.  11
    La dette et la distance: de quelques élèves et lecteurs juifs de Heidegger.Marie-Anne Lescourret & Jeffrey Andrew Barash (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Éditions de l'Éclat.
    Günther Anders, Hannah Arendt, Hans Jonas, Emmanuel Levinas, Karl Làwith, Herbert Marcuse, Leo Strauss, Eric Weil... Non sans quelque paradoxe, la philosophie sociale, politique, métaphysique de l'après-guerre a été largement représentée par des penseurs allemands ou formés en Allemagne, qui avaient la particularité d'avoir été des étudiants de Martin Heidegger et d'être en même temps d'origine juive. Ce volume, issu d'un colloque international tenu à Paris en 2012, a voulu les penser ensemble pour la première fois et étudier sur quel (...)
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